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So bewerten andere Tierbesitzer Hill's

Chuff is 19 years old and is on Hill's Active Longevity. Every morning she romps around playing like a kitten and sounding like a baby elephant. Her coat shines and her eyes are bright. She could pass for a middle-aged cat. She kicks up a fuss if her Hill’s bowl is empty and when it is ¾ empty she sits and stares at me.

- Anna McKnight with cat Chuff

Hill's salmon complete food for sensitive stomach was recommended to us by pets at home as we had tried several others as casper suffers with bad digestion. He enjoys this food and even lets us know it's feeding time, it smells really nice and is a nice size for small dogs mouths. Casper now has more energy, his coat is lovely and is generally much healthier and can digest it easily. I would not change now as we have never looked back.

- Mrs Sharon Witherbed with dog Casper

Hill's Prescription Diet C/D Urinary Stress cat food. Been on the food about approx 5 years, as he was over weight and had a urinary tract infection. The food was recommended by the vet. He took to the food straight away, but was limited to 50 grams per day which we split into 3 feeds. Over 12 months his weight had dropped from 8 kg and we got him to a normal weight of 5 kg, the vet was very pleased. Malibu, we call him Mali for short, is my daughters cat. She was about 6 yrs old.

- Becca Molineux

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